Curr Protoc Hum Genet. 2014; 83:15.7.1-15.7.27.

Harms DW, Quadros RM, Seruggia D, Ohtsuka M, Takahashi G, Montoliu L, Gurumurthy CB.

Curr Protoc Hum Genet. 2014; 83:15.7.1-15.7.27The availability of techniques to create desired genetic mutations has enabled the laboratory mouse as an extensively used model organism in biomedical research including human genetics. A new addition to this existing technical repertoire is the CRISPR/Cas system. Specifically, this system allows editing of the mouse genome much more quickly than the previously used techniques, and, more importantly, multiple mutations can be created in a single experiment.

Here we provide protocols for preparation of CRISPR/Cas reagents and microinjection into one-cell mouse embryos to create knockout or knock-in mouse models.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2010; 38(Database issue): D570-6.

Wilkinson P1, Sengerova J, Matteoni R, Chen CK, Soulat G, Ureta-Vidal A, Fessele S, Hagn M, Massimi M, Pickford K, Butler RH, Marschall S, Mallon AM, Pickard A, Raspa M, Scavizzi F, Fray M, Larrigaldie V, Leyritz J, Birney E, Tocchini-Valentini GP, Brown S, Herault Y, Montoliu L, de Angelis MH, Smedley D.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2010; 38: D570-6The laboratory mouse is the premier animal model for studying human disease and thousands of mutants have been identified or produced, most recently through gene-specific mutagenesis approaches. High throughput strategies by the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) are producing mutants for all protein coding genes. Generating a knock-out line involves huge monetary and time costs so capture of both the data describing each mutant alongside archiving of the line for distribution to future researchers is critical.

The European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) is a leading international network infrastructure for archiving and worldwide provision of mouse mutant strains. It operates in collaboration with the other members of the Federation of International Mouse Resources (FIMRe), EMMA being the European component. Additionally EMMA is one of four repositories involved in the IKMC, and therefore the current figure of 1700 archived lines will rise markedly. The EMMA database gathers and curates extensive data on each line and presents it through a user-friendly website. A BioMart interface allows advanced searching including integrated querying with other resources e.g. Ensembl. Other resources are able to display EMMA data by accessing our Distributed Annotation System server. EMMA database access is publicly available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2015; 43 (Database issue): D1171-5.

Meehan TF, Chen CK, Koscielny G, Relac M, Wilkinson P, Flicek P, Parkinson H, Castro A, Fessele S, Steinkamp R, Hagn M, Raess M, de Angelis MH, Bottomley J, Ramirez-Solis R, Smedley D, Ball S, Blake A, Fray M, Kenyon J, Mallon AM, Brown S, Massimi M, Matteoni R, Tocchini-Valentini G, Herault Y, Kollias G, Fleming A, Ulfhake B, Demengeot J, Fremond C, Bosch F, Montoliu L, Soininen R, Schughart K, Brakebusch C, Sedlacek R, Rülicke T, McKerlie C, Malissen B, Iraqi F, Jonkers J, Russig H, Huylebroeck D.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2015; 43: D1171-5The laboratory mouse is a key model organism to investigate mechanism and therapeutics of human disease. The number of targeted genetic mouse models of disease is growing rapidly due to high-throughput production strategies employed by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) and the development of new, more efficient genome engineering techniques such as CRISPR based systems.

We have previously described the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) resource and how this international infrastructure provides archiving and distribution worldwide for mutant mouse strains. EMMA has since evolved into INFRAFRONTIER (, the pan-European research infrastructure for the systemic phenotyping, archiving and distribution of mouse disease models. Here we describe new features including improved search for mouse strains, support for new embryonic stem cell resources, access to training materials via a comprehensive knowledgebase and the promotion of innovative analytical and diagnostic techniques.

Transgenic Res. 2014; 23(5): 707-716.

Seruggia D, Montoliu L.

Transgenic Res. 2014; 23(5): 707-716The CRISPR–Cas system is the newest targeted nuclease for genome engineering. In less than 1 year, the ease, robustness and efficiency of this method have facilitated an immense range of genetic modifications in most model organisms. Full and conditional gene knock-outs, knock-ins, large chromosomal deletions and subtle mutations can be obtained using combinations of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and DNA donors. In addition, with CRISPR–Cas compounds, multiple genetic modifications can be introduced seamlessly in a single step. CRISPR–Cas not only brings genome engineering capacities to species such as rodents and livestock in which the existing toolbox was already large, but has also enabled precise genetic engineering of organisms with difficult-to-edit genomes such as zebrafish, and of technically challenging species such as non-human primates. The CRISPR–Cas system allows generation of targeted mutations in mice, even in laboratories with limited or no access to the complex, time-consuming standard technology using mouse embryonic stem cells.

Here we summarize the distinct applications of CRISPR–Cas technology for obtaining a variety of genetic modifications in different model organisms, underlining their advantages and limitations relative to other genome editing nucleases. We will guide the reader through the many publications that have seen the light in the first year of CRISPR–Cas technology.

Curr Biol. 2014; 24(15): 1743-1750.

Evans RD, Robinson C, Briggs DA, Tooth DJ, Ramalho JS, Cantero M, Montoliu L, Patel S, Sviderskaya EV, Hume AN.

Curr Biol. 2014; 24(15): 1743-1750In animal cells, microtubule and actin tracks and their associated motors (dynein, kinesin, and myosin) are thought to regulate long- and short-range transport, respectively. Consistent with this, microtubules extend from the perinuclear centrosome to the plasma membrane and allow bidirectional cargo transport over long distances (>1 μm). In contrast, actin often comprises a complex network of short randomly oriented filaments, suggesting that myosin motors move cargo short distances. These observations underpin the "highways and local roads" model for transport along microtubule and actin tracks. The "cooperative capture" model exemplifies this view and suggests that melanosome distribution in melanocyte dendrites is maintained by long-range transport on microtubules followed by actin/myosin-Va-dependent tethering.

In this study, we used cell normalization technology to quantitatively examine the contribution of microtubules and actin/myosin-Va to organelle distribution in melanocytes. Surprisingly, our results indicate that microtubules are essential for centripetal, but not centrifugal, transport. Instead, we find that microtubules retard a centrifugal transport process that is dependent on myosin-Va and a population of dynamic F-actin. Functional analysis of mutant proteins indicates that myosin-Va works as a transporter dispersing melanosomes along actin tracks whose +/barbed ends are oriented toward the plasma membrane. Overall, our data highlight the role of myosin-Va and actin in transport, and not tethering, and suggest a new model in which organelle distribution is determined by the balance between microtubule-dependent centripetal and myosin-Va/actin-dependent centrifugal transport. These observations appear to be consistent with evidence coming from other systems showing that actin/myosin networks can drive long-distance organelle transport and positioning.

La semana pasada, la red intergubernamental European Cooperation in Science and Technology presentó SALAAM, una iniciativa para compartir los avances obtenidos en la ingeniería genética y el fenotipado de los animales de granja utilizados para experimentación. Esta acción, dirigida por el científico alemán Eckhard Wolf y la francesa Pascale Chavatte-Palmer, tiene como meta el desarrollo de modelos de laboratorio que puedan ser utilizados en medicina traslacional. Entre otros científicos europeos, el investigador del Centro Nacional de Biotecnología del CSIC (CNB) Lluís Montoliu participa como experto en la construcción de transgenes.

Los pequeños animales de laboratorio, como los ratones, las ratas o las moscas de la fruta, han sido de una ayuda tremenda a la hora de estudiar y comprender los sistemas biológicos complejos. Sin embargo, para poder llevar a cabo futuros ensayos preclínicos más eficientes que los actuales parece que es necesario emplear conejos, cerdos, cabras, ovejas y vacas. Por eso, esta iniciativa se centra en los animales de granja como modelos para estudiar las enfermedades humanas.

Durante el tiempo que dure esta acción, Montoliu explica que “se organizarán diversas conferencias y cursos, abiertos a cualquier investigador interesado en el tema”. Los seminarios abordarán las nuevas tecnologías disponibles, la creación de bases de datos, la elección del modelo animal adecuado para cada tipo de experimento y, como no podía ser de otra manera, aspectos de bioética y bienestar animal.

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