PhD Students Training

distintivo cuatricromiaOur ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for centres of excellence includes the commitment to improve the training of PhD researchers at the CNB. For this purpose we have created the Training Committee.

The Committee assists the CNB Director’s team in the design, implementation and follow up of training programmes. Also, its members serve as first-line contact persons for PhD students who need assistance in solving administrative or academic problems related with their PhD training at the CNB.

In our effort to improve the excellence of the PhD Training Program, we have recently implemented the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) at the CNB, based on the Salzburg Principles.

This tool is established in internationally recognized research institutes, and has to main goals:

AIM-1. Pursues to provide a complete individual quality assessment of PhD researchers for their professional growth and thesis achievements

AIM-2. It will help to detect earlier conflicts and problems that otherwise might truncate the thesis success and satisfaction of PhD researchers and supervisors.


The Training Committee is formed by the following representatives of each of the centre’s research departments

YCarrascoFonsecaSSanMillan 2020AntonI comisionMVRaaijJTamames

Yolanda Carrasco                   Sandra Fonseca               Alvaro San Millán                 Inés Antón                    Mark Van Raaij                 Javier Tamames

In addition, CNB counts with a Junior Comittee formed by PhD Students representatives of each research department who organises the Junior Seminar Series and collaborates in the development of training activities designed by CNB Training Comittee

margaFerriz Kateryna3 SMichavila GemaCastillo2023 LeticiaLucero IMartin Blecua

       Margarita Ferriz           Kateryna Matveyeva       Santiago Michavila              Gema Castillo                 Leticia Lucero                Isabel Martín

Alfonso 2023EmmaPineiro SergioPipaon SaraOtaegi Pitchard2023 Alvaro Gomez

       Alfonso Aguilera             Emma Diaz Piñero                Sergio Pipaon               Sara Otaegi                      Borja Pitarch                 Álvaro Gómez

Welcome Guide for new PhD Students

Scheduled training activities for 2023-2024:


training23 24 web


      • Workshop: “How to plan, design and present your results (23rd-24th January 2024)

      • Workshop: Wellbeing at work, (12th and 26th February 2024, both days attendance´s


      • Welcome event: NEW DATE IN MARCH/APRIL (11th April)
      • How to Write a Scientific Article ( 9th and 16th April 2024 (both days attendance´s required)

      • Experimental design and statistical analysis (NEW DATE 19th JUNE 22nd May 2024)

      • Scientific Workshop for PhD Students (4th June 2024)












Scheduled training activities for 2022-2023:


training22 23 web


      • 4th October 2022: Welcome for new PhD Researchers (I), Susana de Lucas, Inés Antón, Kateryna Matveyeva, Sara Otaegi
      • 25th October. Wellbeing at work
      • 23-24th January 023: Cómo planificar, estructurar, diseñar y exponer presentaciones científicas
      • NEW date: 9th March 2023: Welcome for new PhD Researchers, (II)Susana de Lucas, Inés Antón, Kateryna Matveyeva, Sara Otaegi
      • 28th March 2023: How to write a scientific article. Álvaro San Millán
      • 24th April 2023: Good practices in animal research. Belén Pintado
      • 5th June 2023: VIII PhD Researchers Scientific Workshop












Scheduled training activities for 2021-2022:




      • 18-19 October 2021: Cómo planificar, estructurar, diseñar y exponer presentaciones científicas
      • 17 November 2021: How to write a Scientific paper, Miguel Vicente
      • 1 February 2022: Welcome for new PhD Students, Susana de Lucas, Vicente Rubio, Santiago Michavila
      • 11 March 2022: Workshop: Ethics and Integrity in Research, Lluís Montoliu
      • 23 May 2022: VII PhD Students Scientific Workshop













Scheduled training activities for 2020-2021:


Cursos 2021














Scheduled training activities for 2019:



      • 7 May 2019: New PhD Welcome Event
      • 28 May 2019: How to write a Scientific paper
      • 17 June 2019:V PhD Scientific Workshop 
      • 23-24 September 2019: Workshop "Cómo planificar, estructurar, diseñar y exponer presentaciones científicas"
      • NEW DATE! 10 December  22 October 2019: Workshop: Ethics and Integrity in Research













Scheduled training activities for 2018:
















Scheduled training activities for 2017:
















Scheduled training activities for 2016:

















Training Activities 2015


workshop predocs poster final2015RedCommunication skills training PosterRed


    • 19 June: I Predoctoral Scientific Workshop
    • 23 October 2015: Communication Skills Tranin

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